Mary's Culinary Classes - 26222

Mary's Culinary-Taco Casserole & Lamb Pretzel Pops

$45.00 - $55.00

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Activity Details

Mary's Culinary-Taco Casserole & Lamb Pretzel Pops

Meeting Details

Time: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Days: Tue
Community Center
32 Church Street
Guilford, CT, 06437


Age older than or equal to 5.00 and younger than or equal to 11.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.

Mary's Culinary-Taco Casserole & Lamb Pretzel Pops

Welcome to Mary's Culinary Classes! Mary has been cooking her whole life. She learned sitting on the counter as a young child, like most Italian children do, watching her mother baking and cooking traditional Italian cuisine. Her repertoire has expanded beyond cooking Italian food as she has spent many years working in the restaurant business. Mary spent many years working with children of all ages and has continued to work with children of all abilities.


Charge When Not Billed:
Administrative Fee (Standard Fee): $1.13
Program Fee (Standard Fee): $43.87
Charge When Not Billed:
Non Resident (Standard Fee): $10.00
Administrative Fee (Standard Fee): $1.13
Program Fee (Standard Fee): $43.87
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