BetterBalance - 40211
Better Balance
Better Balance
Dr. Kathy Papayani-Szabo, is a physical therapist and a Senior Fitness Instructor in the community. She is a Fall Prevention Specialist and Orthopedic Clinical Specialist and enjoys educating others on injury and fall prevention. This class is sure to be very popular and space is limited to provide quality instruction so sign up early.
15 Chairs set up in rows with space between them.
Charge When Not Billed:
Administrative Fee (Standard Fee): $0.53 = $0.53
Senior Programs (Standard Fee): $34.47 = $34.47
Charge When Not Billed:
Administrative Fee (Standard Fee): $0.53 = $0.53
Senior Programs (Standard Fee): $34.47 = $34.47
NR Senior Program Charge (Standard Fee): $5.00 = $5.00